The Rubik's Revenge (also known as the Master Cube) is a 4×4×4 version of Rubik's CubeIt was released in 1981 Invented by Péter Sebestény, the Rubik's Revenge was nearly called the Sebestény Cube until a somewhat lastminute decision changed the puzzle's name to attract fans of the original Rubik's Cube Unlike the original puzzle (and other oddnumbered puzzles like the 5×5×5 cubeThe Professor's Cube is a 3D combination puzzle, a 5×5×5 version of the original Rubik's CubeIt has qualities in common with both the 3×3×3 Rubik's Cube and the 4×4×4 Rubik's RevengeThe ability to know to solve 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube will help, but it is recommended to know both Cubes to be able to solve the Professor's CubeThe cube may look a lot more complicated but it is actually very easy I first came up with this method to solve my 5x5x5 cube and later adapted it to work for the 4x4x4 cube I thought I had figured this method out on my own but it turns out I've seen the same solution on some other cube pages So anyway here is my version of this method
Rubiks Cube 3x3 Solution En